We live in a digitally driven, interconnected world where the rapid exchange of product information is important.
This is why we maintain one of the largest collections of Unistrut technical resources available on the web. Here are some of our most popular downloads, and how they can help you….
Downloading the Unistrut General Engineering Catalog
The Unistrut General Engineering Catalog is now in its 17th edition. Whether you need information on Unistrut channel, Telestrut, pipe supports, fittings, or hardware, the engineering catalog is always a great place to start. If you prefer a printed version, give us a call or send us an email request, or if you are looking for a space-saving digital download, you can have your catalog in seconds by clicking here.
Unistrut Application Showcase Guide
Our 240 page Unistrut General Engineering Catalog is without question the most popular download from our website, but sometimes folks are looking for a little less technical detail and more information on how the Unistrut framing system is used to build common structures. If this scenario sounds familiar, or you are simply looking for some inspiration before tackling your next project, the Unistrut Application Showcase Guide is an ideal starting point.
Anchor Selection Guide
Unistrut Service Company has been an authorized Powers Anchors Technical Center for many years–and with good reason. Concrete anchors play an important role in many Unistrut installations. Powers has the largest list of code compliant anchoring products, including the most ICC-ES Reports for mechanical, adhesive, and gas actuated anchoring systems on the market today. Cost-effective and engineered for the ultimate in performance, all Powers adhesive and mechanical anchors are designed to meet, or in many instances, exceed the specifications of leading competitors, including Hilti, ITW/Red Head, and Simpson, just to name a few. If you are looking for a reference guide that compares Powers Anchors to the competition, download the Powers Anchors Cross-Reference Guide.
Unistrut CAD File Downloads
Although most folks find virtually all the information they require in the engineering catalog, we understand that architects and engineers have additional needs. To this end, we also offer a collection of Unistrut 2D drawings in AutoCAD DWG format and DXF format. Visit the Unistrut CAD Library and start downloading those important DWG and DXF files today.
Downloadable Unistrut BIM Files
Architects, engineers, and contractors have always collaborated with drawings during the planning, design, and construction phases of projects. Now advances in computer aided design and BIM (Building Information Modeling) are taking this cooperative spirit to the next level. In case you are wondering, yes, we offer these types of downloads too. To access Unistrut BIM files, visit USCO’s SMARTBIM Library by clicking here.
Standard Detail Drawings For Medical Supports
To this point, we’ve focused exclusively on general reference guides and downloads that are product specific, but many of our regular Tech Talk readers perform installations for hospitals, clinics, and medical centers. One of the best tools we have for folks who work in this market sector is our Standard Detail Drawings for Medical Support Structures.
This is just a quick punch list of helpful resources designed to make your job easier. If you are looking for additional information, spend some time browsing our PDF Library, or contact Unistrut Service Company for further assistance.