Are you in the planning stages of a new project requiring Unistrut? Have you wondered what types of clamps, fittings, and hardware are compatible with the Unistrut framing channel system? Do you need load tables or hard-to-find engineering information? If you answered yes to any of these questions, our new and revised Unistrut General Engineering Catalog 17 is the answer. Say goodbye to a cluttered desk with print catalogs and the long waits associated with snail mail delivery.....simply click this link and you will have the latest buying and specifying information at your fingertips!
For the detail oriented crowd that already has Engineering Catalog 17, we'll let you in on a little secret.....the previous version of Unistrut's Engineering Catalog was also titled 17, but the updated version has additional technical information, so download the new version to keep your files up-to-date.