Our Design & Materials Program Scores High for a Virginia School Catwalk
School is out for the summer. It’s a perfect time to make the grade on those building projects. A high school in Virginia needed a new catwalk system in their gymnasium and they came to USCO for the best solution.Previously, their maintenance staff had to rent a scissor lift - an expensive option which required the use of protective mats to prevent damage to the gym floor - in order to service overhead HVAC ducts and lighting fixtures. This also meant timing maintenance when the gymnasium was empty, and it limited their ability to safely access overhead mechanical, electrical and plumbing (MEP for short) and HVAC for emergency repairs during the school day. A new catwalk would save them thousands of dollars in equipment and labor in the long run, and allow immediate access to HVAC equipment in the event of an equipment or system failure. “The gym is one of the most highly populated areas of the building during a school season,” the maintenance staff supervisor affirmed, “so ensuring the design of a catwalk with high quality materials to access HVAC equipment for regular maintenance, while students use the space, is of paramount importance to us.” Summertime meant they had free reign to work in the space, so the school maintenance staff had the time to do the installation themselves. Our Design and Materials Program matched their needs perfectly. Here’s how it worked.
First, our USCO design engineers made a site visit to determine the scope of project. Our site assessment allowed us to configure a catwalk design that would provide the maintenance staff with safe access to all of the suspended HVAC ducts and MEP. We then created engineering drawings that helped them maximize the construction benefits of Unistrut channel and fittings.After our site visit, we assembled and shipped all of the materials specified in the drawings to the school for DIY installation. The Unistrut catwalk system features strong, lightweight, and versatile United Interlock Grating products, including the “gold star” parts - G622PG (heal/toe end plates), G11282PG and G12282PG (planks) - which offered them a cost-effective alternative to conventional steel welded structures. When designed in combination with Unistrut metal framing systems -- including the parts on anyone’s deans list such as P1001, P1000, P3301, P2786, P2346, P1326, P1068, P1031, P2484, P2324 (metal framing), P3013 (channel nuts) -- the catwalk was quickly and efficiently installed by the school’s maintenance staff.

The entire project went from concept phase to finished installation in two weeks during summer shutdown. The maintenance staff is thrilled with their new catwalk, and school administrators can rest easy knowing that OSHA fall protection standards have been met. USCO’s Design and Materials program gave them a tailored design and all of the Unistrut channel, grating, and fittings required so the school maintenance staff could install the catwalk without assistance from outside contractors. This program was an A+ solution for this Virginia high school gymnasium, and we can help you make the grade on your catwalk project. To learn more about how the process works, we are just a click or call away. One of our applications engineers will answer all of your questions and prepare a custom quote for your project.